Auto Insurance for Used Cars
When shopping for a car, many car buyers wonder whether they really need to have auto insurance or not. The answer to this is YES! Most states in the U.S. have made it mandatory for car buyers to have at least some auto insurance coverage. In fact, you can’t even drive the car off the dealership’s lot unless you have a valid insurance policy.
Even if the state that you reside in doesn’t require you to have auto insurance, keep in mind that you will need to bear the expenses on your own if you meet with an accident or damage somebody’s property – even if it happens 10 feet from the dealership’s lot. Given this, it’s a good idea to start looking into auto insurance options before you head out to purchase a new vehicle.
How to Get Auto Insurance Without a Vehicle
Say you currently don’t have a vehicle but you plan to get one. You are probably wondering how to buy a car insurance plan when you aren’t sure of the car you’re getting. The fact is that you will need to provide some details about the car you intend to purchase, like its make, model, year of manufacture, trim, and intended use, to get a near-accurate quote. If you’ve already decided which car to purchase, you can ask the dealership for the Vin and purchase the insurance plan in advance. In this case, you’ll need to make sure that the start date on the policy coincides with the date you intend to bring the vehicle home.
If you haven’t figured out which auto insurance plan to purchase, it’s likely the dealership will try to sell you a policy that’s offered by an auto insurance company. The problem with this is that you could get a much better deal if you do the research yourself and get in touch with the auto insurance company and negotiate the price. So, avoid signing up for an auto insurance plan offered to you by your dealer, despite how convenient it may seem.